Happy New Year!

It is time once again for the often-superficial commitment to change something about ourselves: The New Year’s Resolution.  According to a recent Marist Poll, “being a better person and weight loss share the top spot as the most popular New Year’s Resolution for 2018.  Among Americans who plan to make a resolution, 12% say they want to be a better person, and the same proportion (12%) say they want to lose weight.  Exercising more, eating healthier, and getting a better job garners 9% while 7% want to improve their overall health.  Six percent of U.S. residents resolving to make a change want to kick the smoking habit, and another 6% plan to spend less and save money.  30% mention another resolution altogether.”[1]

There is no harm to making a New Year’s Resolution, though I must confess “being a better person” is quite ambiguous.  Nevertheless, making a commitment to change is not only good, but it is Biblical, as we are to be committed to “grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3:18).  Paul clearly made a resolution when he wrote “For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (2 Cor. 2:2).   Growing in Christ, knowing Him in deeper and fuller ways should be every Believer’s year-round resolution. 
Taking from our study of Hebrews here are a couple of suggestion that will assist you in a resolution to growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus.  

 Draw near to God (10:22).   Don’t sit back and let your faith happen; actively move toward God.  Remember that as a Believer your sins have been paid for and you can confidently come to God as your daddy who loves you more than you can comprehend.

Hold on tight to your faith (10:23).  When tough times, doubts and discouragement, come your way, grab hold of your faith and don’t let go!   Remember your confidence is not in your ability to keep your faith, but in the reliability of the Promiser: because He who promised is faithful.

Help other people grow in grace (10:24).  A lack of concern for the well-being of other Believers is symptomatic of self-concern and egocentricity.  The fastest way to hinder your growth in grace is to be self-absorbed in your own spirituality.

Attend Worship on Sunday (10:25). The New Testament knows nothing about solitary Christianity.  Meeting together for worship is essential for growth in grace as it is the place where we practice faith, hope, and love first to God and then in our encouragement of one another.  The Lord’s Day worship is a gift from our Father, where we receive special grace through Word, prayer and sacrament. 

I trust you will join me in this resolution, as together we discover more and more the “incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 2:7b).